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Zak Starkey's Work with:
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Media rumors surfaced in early November of 2009, (grapevine ones much earlier!), with the official announcement coming Nov 26th. The Who would perform at "the Bridgestone Super Bowl XLIV Halftime Show on CBS Sports at Dolphin Stadium in South Florida on Sunday, February 7.
Following what seems like only DAYS since the announcement of the Dec 21 st Greatest Hits release is the announcement of a LIVE Greatest hits that will only be available from iTunes. This one features some Zak stuff too - live stuff from 2002 - 2009.
An article from Jan 2010 on Italian website Corrierre Del Veneto about the acts coming to the area this summer *seem* to indicate that The Who are booked to play Verona on July 12
"L’Arena torna ad essere l’olimpo della musica con big internazionali come la regina dell’R&B Alicia Keys (unica data italiana, 2 maggio), lo swing di Michael Bublé (22 maggio), la voce graffiante di Rod Stewart (unica data italiana, 21 giugno) e il ritorno, dopo il memorabile concerto “bagnato” dell’11 giugno 2007, degli Who (unica data italiana, 12 luglio). Ad impreziosire ulteriormente un cartellone che regalerà ancora molte sorprese il concerto di Ennio Morricone, l’11 settembre, nel decennale della sua storica performance. "
translation from Google: "The Arena returns to the Olympus of music with ..., the Who (the only Italian date, 12 July)...
However, these plans may be off if you believe what Pete says in the Billboard interview (Billboard.com 2010-01-29 with Ray Waddell). quoted below ...
How did you and Roger Daltrey decide to play the Super Bowl halftime Show?
We thought about it quite hard. I think Roger was doubtful that we should do it this year. We played Australia last year in March and we were considering going on and doing some more touring, and quite a lot later on this year. And then I got quite engrossed in writing, and told Roger that I would probably need another year to write. So we cancelled plans for this year. We were going to play at Coachella, the New Orleans Jazz festival, we had all kinds of things planned, so I persuaded Roger we should do the Super Bowl to kick those events off. And then decided that I couldn't do that work later this year because I felt I had to continue to write. So this must have been on the cards for quite a long time, but I think we made a final decision to go ahead in October or something like that.
Without much previous rumor, the word that The Who would be performing QUADROPHENIA at Th Royal Albert Hall for TCT was let slip by Pete in an interview about the Superbowl appearance. The interview given to Billboard and published online by Billboard DID NOT mention the TCT in the response to question 2. However, when ABCNews picked up the Billboard story (ABCNews.com 2010-01-29 By Ray Waddell), they DID print the TCT info:
Billboard: Most bands that play the Super Bowl use it as a platform to announce other projects.
Townshend: The only two shows Roger and I are committed to together so far are the Super Bowl and then a concert version of "Quadrophenia" at Royal Albert Hall in March (for the Teenage Cancer Trust). My hearing trouble makes it quite difficult for me to work in a studio for long periods of time. I have to be quite careful not to work too much or not to tour too much.
It was officially announced by TCT on Feb 1st that The Who would perform Quadrophenia on Tues March 30, 20101. Tickets went on sale Feb 5th.
While Daltrey's quip back in Oct 09 seemed to mean an entire THE WHO ROCK BAND was in the works, what IS coming is another downloadable song for the Xbox - this time taken from the Who's Superbowl appearance and made available immediately after the game.
Bridgestone Super Bowl XLIV Halftime Show
Who related sections on Kathy's Zak Starkey Site:
Quad Hyde Park and MSG * Quad
USA '96 * Quad Europe '97 *
Quad USA '97
Who's Serious? * Daltrey
Sings Townshend * Who convention '95
Pete's Olivier Award Party * John
Entwistle's The Rock * Pete's 98 solo
* Who 1999 shows * The
Who 2000 * Tony Ashton Testimonial Show
* The Who 2001 * The
Who 2002 * The Who 2003 * The
Who 2004 *
* The Who 2005 * The
Who 2006 *The
Who 2007 *
* The
Who 2008 *The
Who 2009 *The
Who 2010 *The Who 2011*
* Kathy's Simon
Townshend Pages *
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Last Updated: Sunday, February 20, 2011
Created: Oct 31 2009
Copyright © 2009
Kathy VanTassell
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